Protecting Your Valuables
Please follow these guidelines during your time with us at Saint John Hospital:
- The hospital and the parking area are monitored for your safety. Some areas of the hospital have limited access and special security measures.
- All hospital staff wear name badges.
- Saint John Hospital promotes an active safety program for your protection.
- Occasionally, fire drills will be conducted. Do not be alarmed. Follow your nurse’s instructions during these drills.
- Due to sensitive monitoring equipment, the use of cellular phones is not allowed within the hospital.
- Some personal electrical items are allowed in the hospital, such as hair dryers or razors. Before you use any of these items, please have your nurse check with Plant Operations on the safety of your items.
- Please do not get in or out of a wheelchair by yourself. Nursing staff will be glad to help.
- Please bring only the items you need for your stay at the hospital. We encourage you not to bring your checkbook, any money, credit cards, jewelry or other valuables with you. There will be times when you will need to leave your room for tests or surgery. Saint John Hospital cannot be responsible for articles or money lost or stolen on the premises.
- You may either send your valuables and money home with relatives or deposit them in the hospital safe for safe keeping at the time you are admitted. You will be given a receipt for your valuables and may reclaim them when you are dismissed. You may also withdraw any or all of these items during your hospital stay.
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Urgent Care
Emergency Services
Surgical Services
Heart & Vascular