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Leg Health Check

Could you be suffering from venous disease?

It is estimated that venous disease affects 25 million Americans, both men and women, of all ages. Here’s what to look for:

  • Discoloration
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Ulcers

You may be more at risk if you are:

  • Female
  • Over 50
  • Have a family history
  • Have had blood clots
  • Have had multiple children
  • Are on your feet frequently and for long periods of time

If you or a loved one has these symptoms or risk factors, call Dr. Pasnoori’s office at 913-596-7224. The screening for venous disease is simple, non-invasive and is usually covered by insurance.

Patient Vein Success

Leg Vein Treatment Helps Local Woman Get Back on Her Feet

M.W., 83, isn’t one to sit around the house. Self-described as ‘on the go all the time,’ M.W. enjoys staying active and working outdoors in the garden of her Leavenworth home.

But when painful ulcers began appearing on her lower legs, her energetic way of life was hampered. The ulcers, which appeared as open wounds, along with overall soreness in her legs and feet, threatened to keep M.W. from mobility and the lifestyle she loved.

M.W. decided to take control and made an appointment to visit Dr. Venkat Pasnoori, interventional cardiologist and vascular specialist at Midland Heart & Vascular of Providence Medical Center and Saint John Hospital. With a simple, non-invasive screening, Dr. Pasnoori was able to determine the cause of M.W.’s ailments and create a treatment plan.

Dr. Pasnoori says ulcers are a very common affliction and are associated with venous disease.

“Normally, blood from the legs is taken to the heart, but in some people the valves go bad. When they stand up all the blood goes down the leg instead of back to the heart. The blood deposits a chemical called hemosiderin, which causes itching, discoloration, and over time the sheer pressure (from the pooling blood) causes venous hypertension and leg ulcers,” explains Dr. Pasnoori.

He estimates that close to 25 million Americans suffer from some kind of venous disease.

Although common, many patients don’t seek immediate treatment for leg vein problems, as they may consider it a cosmetic issue, or less important or urgent than other health maladies. Even among doctors there is generally less awareness of venous disease, its diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Pasnoori is committed to raising awareness about venous disease among both patients and doctors. In addition to holding free leg vein screenings at public locations throughout the Kansas City area, Dr. Pasnoori will be hosting a training site at Providence Medical Center to teach other physicians about ablation therapy, a new treatment option for those suffering from venous disease.

Fortunately, M.W. was proactive about her leg vein health and was able to get relief from her pain, and take back her life. M.W. underwent ablation therapy in October at Dr. Pasnoori’s Lansing office at the Rock Creek Medical Plaza.

Dr. Pasnoori was able to successfully treat M.W.’s leg vein ulcers and soreness, bringing her immediate pain relief and full healing for her ulcers. The procedure, which uses radio frequency to treat diseased veins, is performed in-office under local anesthesia. Much less invasive than vein-stripping procedures of the past, ablation therapy has a 98% success rate and requires very little ‘downtime’ in most cases.

Since diagnosis and treatment of vein disease is now so accessible and effective, no one should have to suffer from the pain and unpleasantness of venous disease. Dr. Pasnoori hopes that more people afflicted with venous issues will take charge of their health, as M.W. did. “It’s really about quality of life,” he says.

M.W. would surely agree. She claims her treatment “took all the soreness away. I’m all healed now. It’s helped me a lot.”

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